For frustrated entrepreneurs that want to MASTER their time, energy and MONEY and learn how to invest in all assets, not just the traditional mainstream, to be WEALTHY whilst building their assets, and to be part of a COMMUNITY that will support you every step of the way
Do you feel trapped in a cycle of trading time for money? Without the space to even consider starting your investment journey? Also, you don't fully believe in the current investments and financial systems, and want to know more about alternative assets to feel empowered. And you feel you should be doing more, but don’t know where to start?
What if, for you, retirement planning feels like the most boring thing ever and instead you want to be part of a community that will give you the confidence and knowledge on how to get started with investing?
What if instead you were to feel EMPOWERED to IGNITE your own impact and learn how to set up your own investments, alongside living a life you love and creating massive impact through founding your own impact ventures?
Investing is not just about backing the winning horse. It is about knowledge and empowerment:
You are on your own unique journey towards financial FREEDOM, financial SECURITY and financial INDEPENDENCE!
That there is risk in not taking RISK!
You can get started with just £1, with the power of compound and time being your driving FORCE
Learning the jargon, so you are smarter than your financial adviser! Knowledge is POWER.
That you can be in the driving seat of all of your investment pots when you know how!
It’s time to stop feeling alone and bored by money, instead you will fall in love with it and everything it can give you, especially investing it in causes you care about that can also make you even more money!
When you enroll in the STAR Portal you will be part of a community of investors and wealth empowerment coaches and...
Investing is not for the uber rich..
The more good people get started with investing, into causes that matter to them, for the impact they want to have, the more we can drive the change we want to see in the world.
And the more wealthy we can all be.
Welcome To
The STAR Portal
For frustrated entrepreneurs that want to MASTER their time, energy and MONEY and learn how to invest!
🤍Wealth Empowerment Coach, Podcaster, Youtuber & Motivational Speaker
🤍Qualified ex Chartered Financial Planner and multi-Times-listed Financial Coach.
🤍 Spent 20 years in financial services, working on the dealing floor of two major investment banks in the city of London for a decade, followed by managing the money of 100's of wealthy individuals.
🤍 Have 20 years experience that has taught me that the financial and wealth management systems are broken. This ignited in me the desire to empower more people to own their power and become their own investor and wealth manager.
🤍 Firm believer, as a soul-led business owner myself, that the future success of the planet lies in empowered entrepreneurship and self-investment strategies that create real passive impact that empowers you to have a massive impact in your life, not when you leave it!
🤍 Holistic wealth, and practice yoga, breathwork and running barefoot on the beach
🤍 Living life today in the present moment, because guess what? Tomorrow never comes.
🤍 Having as much FUN as possible, money should not be boring, and neither should your life, I love to shake things up and put some spice back into financial planning and investing.
I believe that financial freedom is for everyone and I am on a mission to empower people in business to achieve their financial independence by creating more money than they need and investing it in what matters, causes for good.
I believe more wealth needs to be in the hands of those that want to have an impact and do good in the world.
Through my business I strive to deliver my 4 Ps of empowering people, profit, purpose and planet. When we lead a purpose-led life and run our business aligned with this, then as people we can make more profit and we can spend the profit in alignment with our amazing planet.
Without a planet, then there really is no wealth. This is why everything we offer is for its clients and for the planet. I educate members on building investments that are good and green for the planet as well as supporting charities that create an impact and aim to reverse climate change, such as the Global Returns Project. I do this by sharing a percentage of profits each year with amazing charities that are making a difference.
If you want to create an impact, then join me and together we can build the wealth to do good in the world.
Emma xx
Hear From Our Clients
Emma is such a powerhouse, is so passionate about what she does.
Emma is very supportive and able to listen, guide and show you the areas where you need to improve.
Working with Emma has been amazing. She is a wise coach with the financial knowledge that I needed to support me with my goals. I arrived at our first session feeling unsure about the money decisions I’d made in the past, anxious about my business and confused about how to plan my financial future and retirement.
Emma’s great coaching skills helped me to get really clear on my goals, values and dreams. Most importantly though, is that I have developed the confidence to manage my money, to trust myself and to live my dream life according to my values starting in the present moment. Pure gold! Thank you Emma.
The STAR Portal is for you if...
You want to invest for IMPACT.
Learn by DOING and taking ACTION.
You truly want to MASTER your time, energy and money.
Seek wealth SOVEREIGNTY, so you are empowered and own your own investments.
You care about PLANET and PROFIT, making money from good to fuel more good.
Love people, and want to be part of a COMMUNITY of like minded investors who want to support others to get started as much as you want to get started yourself!
The STAR Portal is NOT for you if...
You want someone else to do your planning or investing for you, if this is you, feel free to come into my 1-2-1 world, email me:
You moan! If all you do is join mentorships or programmes to remain a victim of your own reality, then the STAR Portal and our STAR Investment Circle is not for you. We create our own reality and want to remain in our bubble of love and enlightenment.
You have bad vibes, we are all about high vibe energy and don’t want the frequency to be pulled down.
You’re not ready to invest. If you aren’t ready, then wait. Instead focus on your career or your business, and we will always be here waiting to support you when you are ready to dive in.
It’s time to focus on your finances to find your freedom.
For just £8 per month!